Insurance Services
Site under construction. We have App Services for Apple and Android. Use the barcode or click the barcode to begin the process.
With the recent power issues in Shelby County we recommend that our customers install this application for Auto ID cards, policy service, claims, change requests, contact information for glass claims, online payments, and requesting certificates of insurance.
In the event our power and phones are out we can communicate with you through the App Services. We can upload documents to you and you can upload documents to us as well.
It's a must have in the event of a claim or loss. It will walk you through what information we will need to process the claim. It will not file a claim with the carrier, but provide us the information to process the claim. We will need your cell phone number on file and your email address on file.
Our App works 24/7, Just like your Insurance. Our App ensures we’re there for you at the right time, with the right info, and the right tools. With our app help is at your fingertips in the moments that matter most. Need to pay your bill? All of our Insurance Company Contacts are available in our Mobile App. Our app makes it easy and fast. Service & access in a tap! Communicating is easy with our Mobile app. Connect how you want - you’re in control!! Your auto ID card is viewable immediately on our app. Secure document sharing - vehicle or home purchase/closing docs. Have you prepared for - Life’s curve balls, Auto Accident, Fire, Hurricane, Tornado Season, Family changes etc? Our app makes it easy before, during and after events happen. Accidents don’t call ahead - get our app - ready for anything! Be ready for the unexpected - our app always is! Tools to report losses. During a claim or accident it's difficult to remember what information you need at the time of the loss. Our App guides you through that process and upload pictures and videos. Things like getting a police report number and the other parties information are just a few examples of what is easy to forget when a loss occurs.