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2019 Agency Goals

Our Vision for 2019 is to raise the bar on customer service. We have always tried to catch the call on the first ring. I'd say we have done well with that. Early on in the beginning, around 2004, I implemented a phone system with every option in the world to make things easier. At least I thought it would do that. It did for the agency personnel, but customers hated it. I learned that early on never do that again. Consumers want to get a human on the phone. Heck with dialing into a phone system hunting to find the right person. Of course we do implement an automated phone system after hours, but during hours we don't. The goal by the end of the first quarter this year is have agents available after hours for an extended amount of time before it rolls into an automated phone system. We don't place much emphasis on getting business through our website. Our website is geared to be a secondary resource if an agent is unavailable. We began to track claims in 2018. We are wanting to stay in touch with our customers through the claim process until the adjuster closes the claim. So we want to focus on customer support for 2019.

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